have joined my challenges!


Watch this video:

10 Real-Life Topics

We will cover 10 interesting phrasal verb topics - business, relationships, technology etc. Each topic lasts 3 days. You will get a daily short text containing 6-10 phrasal verbs, plus a discussion of their usage and meanings.

30 Daily Videos

Lucy discusses all of the phrasal verbs in her daily videos. She reads the text, so you will learn pronunciation too. Each day has a new video with 6-10 phrasal verbs in context.

20 Exercises Every Day

Each day you will have 20 exercises to complete. I will test you on the day's vocabulary, plus the phrasal verbs you have learnt in previous days. This will help your memory and retention!

Enrol in the 30 Day Phrasal Verbs Challenge now, before registrations closes at midnight on the 27th February!

Have you ever asked yourself any of these questions:

💬 Why don't I understand native speakers?

💬 Why don't I sound natural when I talk?

💬 Why am I not progressing in English?

Was your answer YES?

Believe me, you are not alone...

PHRASAL VERBS could be your answer!

Phrasal verbs block the progress of many students.

Why are they so frustrating?

Let me explain:

A phrasal verb is a phrase or expression that consists of a verb plus a particle -usually a preposition.

Look at this verb:

  • to make = to create

Look at what happens when we add a preposition:

  • to make up = to reconcile after an argument

The whole phrase acts as a verb, and has a different meaning to the original verb!

How are learners of English supposed to understand and learn this?

Well, it gets even more frustrating when you realise that many phrasal verbs have more than one meaning!

to make up =

  • to reconcile after an argument

They had a nasty argument but they made up shortly after.

  • to invent a story or plan

I haven't done my homework so I will make up an excuse!

  • to compensate for something lost, missed, or deficient

I left work early but I'll make up the time tomorrow.

  • to form part of

Women make up 80% of the total number of employees at the company.

Now, I have some terrible news, and some excellent news.

I think we'll start with the terrible news, to get it out of the way:

There is A HUGE NUMBER of phrasal verbs, and you have to learn them one by one. It can be a major barrier for English students.

Many students have no structure to their learning, and end up studying phrasal inefficiently, in a boring way.

This means that they make little progress, and lose motivation.

Are you ready for the excellent news?

I absolutely love teaching phrasal verbs. I really do! I love teaching them in an easy and understandable way - in context, with lots of activities!

When a teacher enjoys teaching, students learn more!

Are you ready for more excellent news?

My challenge will teach you well over 230 phrasal verbs in just 1 month.

Imagine how much that will improve your vocabulary and understanding! Thats 6-10 PER DAY, with a great memory method, and 20 daily exercises to test your learning and boost vocabulary retention.

Hi! I am your teacher Lucy, and I will teach you over 230 phrasal verbs in just 30 days.

I am passionate about teaching my students to speak real English.

I will train you to sound natural.

I will train you to use the words and phrases that native speakers genuinely use.

My challenge will teach you over 230 phrasal verbs in just 1 month. Thats 6-10 PER DAY, with a great memory method, and 600 exercises to test your learning and boost vocabulary retention.


Lucy, I want to join, but how does it work?

Each day, you will receive your daily lesson from me, Lucy. The lessons are released at midnight, and I will remind you via email.

Each lesson will take around 15 minutes of time.

Each daily lesson consists of:

  • ✔️ A text with 6-10 phrasal verbs in context.
  • ✔️ Written explanation on all of the phrasal verbs.
  • ✔️ Lucy's video lesson. I read the text, and discuss the phrasal verbs.
  • ✔️ 20 exercises to test your understanding and help you to retain your knowledge - thats 600 in total!
  • ✔️ A daily comments section to ask questions and receive feedback from teachers!

✅ You can participate and ask questions in the daily comments section.

In the 30 day challenge we cover phrasal verbs in 10 highly useful, real-life topics:

  1. People & Relationships
  2. Daily Routine
  3. Food & Health
  4. Travel & Transport
  5. Hobbies & Education
  6. Money & Shopping
  7. Problems & The Environment
  8. Movements & Animals
  9. Technology
  10. Business

Each real-life topic lasts for 3 days, and each day you will learn 6-10 phrasal verbs.

✅ At the end of the challenge, you will receive two bonus gifts:

  • 🎁 A Digital Certificate of Completion
  • 🎁 A PDF Revision Sheet with all of the phrasal verbs you have learnt in the Challenge

I have done all the work for you, so all you need to do is attend each day to see results! It's all ready for you!

Here's Everything You're Going to Get With The February Idioms Challenge:

#1 - 30 written & video lessons with over 230 phrasal verbs (VALUE: $99)

#2 - 600 phrasal verb exercises (VALUE: $99)

#3 - Bonus PDF summary of 230 phrasal verbs (VALUE: $20)

#4 - Digital Certificate of Completion (VALUE: $10)

#5 - Access to my student comments section for feedback from teachers (VALUE: $50)

#6 - Lifetime Access (VALUE: Priceless 😂 )

Total Value: $278

Join Today For $57

100% Risk Free

My relationship with my students is built on trust. I offer a 30-day 100% money back guarantee on all courses. If you don't like it, I will give you a refund. I want to help you, and I want you to be happy!

Are you ready to join?

Just remember these 4 points:

  1. The challenge starts on the 1st March 2022.
  2. You get 1 lesson each day, for 30 days.
  3. You need to dedicate 15 minutes per day.
  4. Enrolment closes on the 27th February at midnight GMT!

Frequently Asked Questions:

What if I don't like the challenge?

I offer a risk-free, 30-day refund guarantee on all of my courses. If you don't like the course, I will refund you.

Can I ask questions if I have a doubt?

Yes! The comment section is monitored daily by me and my teachers! We will answer your doubts and provide feedback!

What English level is this challenge for?

This challenge is suitable for pre-intermediate to advanced students.

How long do I have to access the challenge?

You have lifetime access! I release each lesson daily from the 1st of March, and you can keep them forever!

Can I retake the quizzes?

Yes, you can retake the quizzes as many times as you like.

Does this challenge give a certificate of completion?

Yes, upon completion I give you a certificate of completion, and a PDF summary of everything you have learnt.

When does the challenge start?

The challenge starts on the 1st of March 2022, and the final lesson is released on the 30th March 2022. After that, you have lifetime access

I am not ready to take the challenge. Can I take it later?

At present, I am only offering this challenge in March. However, as you have lifetime access you can buy the course now, and take it later when you are ready.

Can I pay in my own currency?

All of my courses are charged in dollars, however you can pay by credit/debit card or PayPal, and your bank will change this into your currency for you.

How much is this challenge in my currency?

This challenge is $57 + your country's tax. You can check your currency conversion rate on xe.com

This course is closed for enrollment.